Date of Competition: 2025-Apr-26 Current Date: 2025-Feb-06 UTC-5 Eastern Standard Time Dates for Entry Registration: 2025-Feb-16 0:00 AM - 2025-Mar-21 5:00 PM Dates for Judge and Volunteer Registration: 2025-Feb-16 0:00 AM - 2025-Apr-26 11:59 PM Dates for Entry Delivery: 2025-Feb-24 0:00 AM - 2025-Mar-21 5:00 PM Entry limit for competition: 125 Entry limit per entrant: 3 Entry count: 0 (0 PAID) Bottles needed for each entry: 3
Entry registration has not started yet
Welcome to Reggie, ! What would you like to do?
Name: Last Name: First Name:
HINT - type a few letters of your Last Name and Reggie will try to find you
eJudge PIN:Optional 4-digit number to use for logging in when doing electronic Judging (leave blank for none) Email: Address:
Postal Code:
Home Phone:
Cell/Work Phone:
Allergy Info:Optionally list any allergies that might affect your judging. Leave blank if none. NOTE - YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE TO DECIDE WHICH ENTRIES TO JUDGE.
AHA Member #: This competition requests that you provide your American Homebrewers Association member number
BJCP Information:
If you are BJCP, enter your ID here:
If you are BJCP Provisional, create the account then email your certificate to Nelson
Qualifications: If you hold a Cicerone (Certified, Advanced, Master) rank and it's not shown here, email your certificate to
What homebrew club are you affiliated with?
No account yet?
For which Judging Sessions would you like to volunteer?
Virtual Session #1
Virtual Session #2
Judge registration has ended - if you need to change your schedule, email the Judge Director
Mark me to act as Steward only (no Judging)
Please -->
Where will you pick up Virtual Judged entries?
Select below if you have a strong preference to judge or to not judge a group.
Leave the OK button checked if you don't have a strong preference You do NOT need to change these based on which categories you have entered Your choices here will work for all competitions registered with Reggie - no need to set these up for each comp
OK to Judge
Judging Group
Light Lager
European Amber Lager
Dark Lager
Light Hybrid Beer
Amber Hybrid Beer
English Pale Ale
Scottish and Irish Ale
American Ale
English Brown Ale
India Pale Ale
German Wheat and Rye Beer
Belgian and French Ale
Sour Ale
Belgian Strong Ale
Strong Ale
Fruit Beer
Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
Smoke Flavored/Wood Aged Beer
Specialty Beer
Entry Info - all fields are required unless they say (optional)
# bottles I am sending (leave at ALL bottles unless you intentionally sent less):
Recipe (optional): (BeerXML / PDF)
Recipe on file
Upload Recipe:
Add Brewers Name (optional):Do not add the main brewer's name again - this is just for optionally listing other brewers who brewed this entry with you
Beer Name (optional):
Comments (optional): NO personal comments please - these go to the Competition Organizer ONLY, and are NOT available to the judges.
Please -->
How will you get your entries to us?