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Reggie+eJudge+vJudge Competition Software V9.48 ©2005-2025 by Nelson Crowle (   
Competition Logo
Virginia Mead Cup 2023
Date of Competition: 2023-Sep-29       Current Date: 2025-Feb-06 UTC-5 Eastern Standard Time
Dates for Entry Registration: 2023-May-04 0:00 AM - 2023-Sep-15 11:59 PM
Dates for Judge and Volunteer Registration: 2023-May-04 0:00 AM - 2023-Sep-15 11:59 PM
Dates for Entry Delivery: 2023-Jul-01 0:00 AM - 2023-Sep-22 11:59 PM
Entry limit for competition: 100
Entry limit per entrant: 5
Entry count: 60
Bottles needed for each entry: 3
Please note we have no refrigeration / chilling available

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Competition judging has been completed. See the results at Reggie

For Competition questions: Email Competition Organizer