Big Beers, Belgians, and Barleywines 2023
Date of Competition: 2023-Jan-07 Current Date: 2025-Feb-06 UTC-7 Mountain Standard Time
Dates for Entry Registration: 2022-Nov-05 0:00 AM - 2022-Dec-04 11:59 PM
Dates for Judge and Volunteer Registration: 2022-Oct-17 0:00 AM - 2022-Dec-15 11:59 PM
Dates for Entry Delivery: 2022-Nov-05 0:00 AM - 2022-Dec-04 11:59 PM
Entry limit for competition: 300
Entry count: 131 (131 PAID)
Bottles needed for each entry: 3
Any Specialty beer entries (Fruit, etc.) MUST be a Big beer (1.070 min OG) or Belgian